Fire brigade still working in the disused area in Via Fanfani where a large fire broke out: ‘Situation under control’
FLORENCE – Complex operations continued into the night to clear and extinguish the flames, which broke out amidst abandoned rubbish and rubbish in the area of the disused factory in Via Fanfani. “The situation – explain the fire brigade – is currently under control”.
The fire, the third in a week, broke out early yesterday afternoon.
Operations are carried out with the help of three tanker trucks and the robot Tryppersent by the Pistoia fire brigade command, which, by dispensing water through a lance, allows for incisive extinguishing operations, while guaranteeing the safety of the operators from the risk of structural collapse due to the strong heat given off by the flames. Nbcr (nuclear – biological – chemical – radiological) personnel are also on site.
During the night, the fire brigade intervened, again in Florence, in Viale del Pegaso, for a fire of rubbish and abandoned rubbish that broke out in the disused stables of the Mulina racecourse.